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The Real Surprise

Woman in brown dress standing near railings during sunset

When I embarked on my journey with the Dream Forum I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. I did know that this would be a community of earnest seekers. And in some ways it was a tent pole in the ground for me to not lose sight of my dream in the midst of other demands from life. What I’ve learned through this process was at first subtle – but has grown to be a significant appreciation for the special space held.

I believe dreams are inherently vulnerable. They’re the thing that in our heart of hearts we know that we’re meant to do. But the how/when etc. seem to not often be found in the same breath of inspiration. I often remind myself that vulnerability begets vulnerability. And perhaps the unspoken common denominator with everyone in the Dream Forum is the shared understanding and appreciation for the honor to be invited into one another’s process, and the implied vulnerability there-in. Over the course of our monthly meetings there was always a range of personal highs and lows. And it was okay. Okay if we were personally going through a low-point, and someone else was on a high. There was grace and space.

Having a group of people that you could show up authentically with every time was such a valuable touch point. A reminder that God can handle all versions of us. A living example of the body of Christ. While our dreams were in many different realms, we all shared the similar journey of working to bring something into the world that doesn’t exist yet. And having a community around you when you’re discouraged – or distracted by life – is the most incredible reminder that you’re being faithful to steward your dream and it doesn’t mean that every month/week is going to show the same amount of progress. And sometimes it’s easier to show up for others than yourself. That’s the power and beauty of bringing your dreams into the light.

For me the real surprise was how much value explaining my dream to others would help clarify my dream itself. When I submitted my application to be a part of the Dream Forum I knew it was more than to publish the book I’d been writing, “Feminine Agency”. I’ve been drawn to a strong commitment to pursuing the discovery and cultivation of femininity in 2024 and the ways that that comes to life. I thought the Dream Forum would be my support group as I navigated the world of publishing. And while there have been some promising future publishing connections, the real surprise for me was the realization that my book didn’t have to be published for my dream to be out in the world.

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been crafting an online community for dialogue and excerpts of my book to live while I continue to take my time in the publishing world. And while there’s surely a chance I would have come to this conclusion outside of the Dream Forum, I don’t know when that would have happened. The unquantifiable value of bringing others into your process, with God at the core – has truly left an indelible mark for me in my journey with my dream.

A.L. Mills is one of twelve Dreamers in Goldenwood’s 2024 Dream Forum. This reflection is part of Goldenwood’s #InsidetheDreamPod series. Hear more from Mills at the Dream Forum on November 7th.

About A.L. Mills’ Dream, Bringing Femininity into Focus: At the core of much of the gender confusion happening in the world today is a very real issue: lack of identity. While there are godly books out there about what it is to be a man, I searched for many years to find a counterpart that outlined what true femininity is. My book, Feminine Agency, is an overview of what it truly means to be a woman and where feminism has not always served women well.
