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The Practice of Dreams

As I reflect on this season of exploring my dream through Goldenwood’s Dream Pod cohort I am most grateful for the introduction of new rhythms that are now becoming part of my practice.

David Kim’s teaching, some of which has included combining sacred teachings from both Jesus and Rick Rubin (!), have been illuminating considering the creative work I’m pursuing trying to grow the Justice Film Festival. I am learning to slow down, study ideas and learn from the experiences of brilliant thinkers and practitioners — not just rely solely on my gut instincts and experiences.

I am also finding that the intentional times of seeking guidance from others in the group and inviting God to speak into these dreams has been particularly insightful. The reflective prayer and listening times have been challenging to be honest, as this practice is somewhat new to me, but so fruitful as I’ve witnessed God speaking through others with such thoughtful and prescient wisdom.

Feedback from the Cultivation Committee mentor I’ve been paired with as well as my prayer partner have been helpful as well — connecting with folks whose journeys are unique from mine but similar in trajectory have helped me to feel less alone in a pursuit that can very often feel solitary.

In closing I think what I have enjoyed the most has been the connections with other dreamers. I admire so much these individuals who have a true calling and are willing with patience and dedication to do the work of pursuing these dreams through God’s will and timing.

I am looking forward to what’s next in my Dream Pod journey!

Andy is one of twelve Dream Pod Members in Goldenwood’s 2023 Dream Forum. This reflection is part of Goldenwood’s #InsidetheDreamPod series.

About Andy’s dream, The Justice Film Festival: The Justice Film Festival has existed for 10 years as a glorified side hustle on a shoestring budget with limited support and infrastructure. Since 2012, JFF has been dedicated to creating a platform for redemptive stories of marginalized people and ecosystems bravely overcoming challenges and bringing hope, compassion, and light to a world in need of inspiration. My dream is to turn it into a bona fide organization with a base of financial support and a team of allies devoted to insuring its long term future and success.

Listen to this conversation with Andy as part of the 2023 Dream Forum on Nov 2, 2023.
