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Eva Ting

Why a Decelerator?

There are plenty of good accelerator programs and incubators out there. But as far as we know, we’re one of the only “decelerators” helping people slow down and discern God’s voice in a noisy world. You might say, “Huh? Why run a program that deliberately decelerates developing ventures instead of speeding them up?” Hear what our Dreamers have to say about the unique space the Dream Forum creates: “The Dream… Read More »Why a Decelerator?

2022 Visual Year-in-Review

Celebrating God’s faithfulness in and through the Goldenwood community this year. Glimpses from a full year below. Faith & work… it’s much more than we imagine! We continue to rely upon the generosity of this dynamic community for cultivating a spiritual ecosystem focused on revitalizing what is unseen so that our collective work–what is seen–might be characterized and fueled by future hope. Thank you for partnering with us in this… Read More »2022 Visual Year-in-Review

Goldenwood on Steadfast with Sandra McCracken

In the fall of 2020, Goldenwood co-founders David Kim and Amilee Watkins sat down for a conversation with our friend and Goldenwood Resident, Sandra McCracken, to discuss renewal and patience in a world that demands immediate gratification. This was a rich conversation for us to have and we are grateful to Sandra McCracken and her podcast team at Christianity Today for having us. Listen here. Goldenwood, a ministry that seeks… Read More »Goldenwood on Steadfast with Sandra McCracken