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Institute | Annual Fallow Retreat in Cambridge, England

Dates: Tues May 13-Fri May 16, 2025 Location: Cambridge, UK. All group sessions held at Jesus College. Joined by the Goldenwood staff, Board, and Deans, this unique 3-day experience represents an annual rhythm of the Goldenwood Institute. What is a Fallow Retreat? The essence of a fallow retreat lies in embracing the inherent value of rest and recognizing that seasons of non-productivity can be essential for long-term growth and sustainability.… Read More »Institute | Annual Fallow Retreat in Cambridge, England

Institute Retreat | Nourishing Body & Spirit: Wintering

With the new year comes new opportunity for making self-betterment goals with gusto! But those intentions can come with confusion, lack of support, and are all too often devoid of the Spirit’s guidance. Somewhere along the line, we forgot how deeply interconnected our spiritual selves are to our physical bodies. Our spirit resides within the physical form that God fearfully and wonderfully made, and as Christians our physical bodies are… Read More »Institute Retreat | Nourishing Body & Spirit: Wintering

Forest reflected on water in autumn

Institute Retreat | Nature, Grace and Interdependency with Mako Fujimura

Join us for an extraordinary retreat led by renowned painter and cultural visionary Makoto Fujimura as we explore the profound themes of Nature, Grace, and Interdependency. Set in a serene environment that invites reflection and renewal, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to engage with the beauty of creation and the deep interconnections that bind us to each other and to the world around us. Guided by Fujimura’s unique vision—one… Read More »Institute Retreat | Nature, Grace and Interdependency with Mako Fujimura

A beautifully lit room, filled with community, feasting and listening together

Institute Peek Recap: An Audacious Vision for Work Revived by Love

Last month, we gathered from around the country to experience a sneak peek of the Goldenwood Institute. The day was filled with enlivening community and stimulating conversation, setting forth a bold and expansive vision for how the gospel can transform the future of work. The Goldenwood Institute envisions a world where work is not just a means of earning a living, but a creative and fulfilling expression of our humanity.… Read More »Institute Peek Recap: An Audacious Vision for Work Revived by Love