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Listening Changes Everything

We asked participants from across the country: “How has your experience with Goldenwood expanded your vision for your work or changed your approach to your calling?” 
What we heard was that listening changes everything

“Through contemplative community that repeatedly and steadily centers its gaze on me and my journey, Goldenwood has profoundly helped me to discern and steward my deepest and truest self, fostered the courage I’ve needed to bring forth that self and integrate it into my hopes and ambitions, and provided guidance and connections to birth some of my best and most loving work into the world.” – Jamison G.

“During a season filled with unusually difficult circumstances, Nautilus has anchored my soul to the living God.  I had grown accustomed to a somewhat stale relationship with the Lord that felt centered on me and what I desired.  At my core, apathy was starting to set in as I began to question whether this was all I should expect or desire.  Nautilus has helped enlighten my heart to view the Trinity entirely differently, in a holistic (body, mind, soul) way.  It feels like I’ve gone from a two-dimensional relationship with the Lord to a vivid one in 3D.

The way we’ve been taught to listen and trust the voice of God, who desires to speak to us, has truly changed everything.  It’s brought deeply rooted peace and an invading sense of the presence of God; it’s transformed how I pray, it’s allowed for vulnerability on a level I had been craving, and it’s revitalized how I relate to others. ” – Katie H

“The time I spent in the Dream Forum refined and shaped my understanding of not only my place in God’s story, but also allowed me to learn and experience a reality where everyone has their place, where what we do is more than just making money or searching for fame and recognition.  It was a pre-taste of the world where life is based on the principle of abundance (everything is enough for everyone); intentionality (everything has its place and reason); and interconnectedness (we need each other, we are not competitors).  We are workers in one beautiful garden, where everyone works on his own row, for the beauty of the whole garden. 

Another important point was the deliberate invitation of God to this process, or rather, us joining God’s process.  He is already moving, and all we have to do is listen and be faithful to what He says and who He made us to be.  For me, as an active person who was given a passion and desire to care for His children, focusing on who I am instead of what I do has been a healing experience for me time and time again.” – Liliia C