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Responding to Racism

Last Friday, we had a small gathering to listen, unearthing questions we all had regarding the injustice our Black brothers and sisters continue to face.  We listened to each other as we were listening for God to guide us.  We prayed as we read Psalm 7, and after our time several participants shared resources that we have compiled and made available below, so that as a community seeking the wisdom and… Read More »Responding to Racism

Who will we become?

A reflection amidst isolation… “Many people seek fellowship because they are afraid to be alone.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer penned those words on the eve of World War II. As he considered the inordinate needs of the church during that dark time, his thoughts came to the verse, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity” (Psa 133:1). When he began to write his reflection on the… Read More »Who will we become?