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Afraid to Dream

Land riddled with war damage

The Dream Forum found me at a place when I was afraid to dream. Afraid to dream about something small and would not dare to dream about a big and brave thing. Dreams were substances from another world, another life. In my house they lay in the closet waiting for better times, for a world where dreams have a place to bloom. As the war broke out, my dreams were replaced with heavy, painful questions and thoughts. So I packed them into the farthest depths of the closet. At that time, my dreams seemed more like decorations for life, something beautiful which you bring out for special events, but by no means appropriate for the sad and sorrowful days. I felt that by dreaming, I would be detaching myself from the reality of the suffering of my people in Ukraine, from the war that eats up their dreams and grinds their bones. They cannot dream; they survive—so why should I allow myself to dream?

I felt that by dreaming, I would be detaching myself from the reality of the suffering of my people in Ukraine, from the war that eats up their dreams and grinds their bones.

During these last four months, my understanding and attitude towards my dream changed. For me, it has become much more closely related to hope. My dreams have been transformed from unnecessary decorations into an important component of who God created me to be, with the assurance that my dream was given for such a time as this. Before the full-scale war broke out, people in Ukraine longed for healing and restoration, but now it is more important than ever before in my lifetime.

During the Dream Forum, for the first time in a long time, I dared to unearth my dream and share it with others. For the first time, I had joy and hope that this is not just for “someday,” or for “better times.” My dream has importance in the present and points toward the presence of God’s Kingdom.

I realized that my dream is not about me—it is not about how capable or worthy I am. My dream is about God’s power and goodness, about His care for humanity. Dreams are a gift that God gives to invite us to join Him on an incredible journey, full of passion and joy to build His Kingdom on earth. My dream is not only mine; it is God’s and it belongs to God’s whole family. Generations before me were involved in my dream; or, more accurately, I am continuing the work that they started.

I remember the first time I was at a meeting with fellow dreamers: I was lost inside as to what exactly to say about my dream. It was formless, abstract, timid, and dusty… After each meeting, it acquired a clearer shape, more vibrant colors, more sensory tastes. The practice of inviting others into my space, helping me name things, and bearing witness to my dream forced me to shape and sculpt, to form my vision, to draw it up from the dust and bring it into the light… God gave me a dream to build a place of healing for the people in Ukraine, and now instead of feeling despair and hopelessness, I can move forward so that one day this place will indeed exist in Ukraine. Even though it is invisible in the here and now, it empowers me unlike anything currently visible around me.

One of the unexpected and joyful moments of the Dream Forum was the fact that God spoke and continues to speak to His children. This is one of the gifts that this dream cultivation journey  brought back into my life: listening for and hearing the voice of God. Being reminded that He cares. He is not silent. During the prayer times with my brothers and sisters in the Dream Forum, I find deep delight and appreciation: God is still talking to me. He wants to talk to me. Isn’t it the greatest joy?! I hear His voice again.

The scale of my dream, the reality of where I am now and who I am, can overwhelm me and hinder me from taking the next step. But I’ve discovered that it really depends on whether my eyes are fixed on myself or on Jesus. It is challenging to trust the Lord with something that feels so improbable and so distant given my lack of position, resources, and connections to build this place. At the same time, this uncertainty is also the most beautiful aspect: it will happen only if Jesus Himself moves and does this.

If I believe, if I trust that my dream is from Him, if it is His desire and will, then He will pave a path that testifies again and again not to my persistence and tenacity but to His almighty name.

Photo Cred: Roman Ratushnyi

Liliia Chernytska is one of twelve Dream Pod Members in Goldenwood’s 2023 Dream Forum. This reflection is part of Goldenwood’s #InsidetheDreamPod series.

About Liliia’s Dream to establish a healing center in Ukraine: I dream about a place where people receive help independent of their social-economic status and where individuals can find healing and hope. I hope to not only make mental health care approachable but also invite churches to participate in care for underserved populations. I dream of helping to equip people and organizations with the crucial knowledge and skills necessary for working with wounded hearts. I came to study psychotherapy and trauma therapy in the United States with the hope of bringing this knowledge back to my homeland—even before a full-scale war broke out. Now the need for soul healing has become even more acute, and I can’t wait to get back and start working with people.

Listen to this conversation with Liliia as part of the 2023 Dream Forum on Nov 2, 2023.
